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Meet our Ambassador: Okri Fréjus Hans Ohouko

Okri Fréjus Hans Ohouko from Benin is currently pursuing his PhD in Animal Health and Pharmacology at University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin, and the University of Lomé in Togo. He also holds as Master’s degree in Animal Production and Health from the University of Abomey-Calavi.

Okri Hans has received a Mobility Grant for his doctoral studies funded by the Embassy of France in Benin, and he has also been the awardee of an Erasmus scholarship for a research stay at the University of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. He is very involved in the Beninese scientific community, is an active member of the association 229 Jeunes Scientifiques, the NGO Terre Vie, and the Académie des Jeunes Elites du Bénin.

Internationally, he is a member of the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and a member of the International Network of Veterinary Vaccinology (IVVN). Okri Hans decided to join the Africademics Scholarship Ambassador Programme because he would like to give back to his community. He is very grateful for all the privileges he has received in his life, in particular from the Academy of Young Scientists of Benin.

In 10 years, he hopes to be one of the world’s innovators in science and hopes to implement a system in his country that can help the youth get involved in, and benefit from, farm production. Something people might not know about Okri is that he likes dancing.

Welcome to the Africademics Ambassador Programme, Okri Hans!

The Scholarship Ambassador Programme

Through the Scholarship Ambassador Programme Africademics trains volunteers from across Africa to become scholarship advisors and mentors. Ambassadors complete a 4-month online course with virtual lectures, case studies and additional activities. Once they have successfully graduated, our Scholarship Ambassadors offer personal support, advice and mentorship for scholarship seekers and applicants in and from Africa.

Our 2022 Ambassador cohort started their training in April 2022 and we are thrilled to have over 90 students and scholars from across the African continent on board this year. In 2021, we welcomed our first cohort of 30 Scholarship Ambassadors who completed their training in November 2021. They now offer free scholarship consultations, mentorship and application assistance for scholarship seekers in and from Africa on a regular basis.

Meet our team of Scholarship Ambassadors here and let us know via our contact form if you would like to book a personal consultation with one of them!

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