The programme awards scholarships for travel and living expenses to candidates from low-income countries to attend continuing education programmes at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. All programmes of the university’s continuing education programmes (MAS/CAS/DAS) are eligible. Applicants must hold a Master’s degree.
The Engineering for Development (E4D) Continuing Education Scholarship Programme awards scholarships for travel and living expenses to candidates from low-income countries to attend continuing education programmes at ETH Zurich.
The goal of the programme is to enhance the knowledge and skills of future leaders with the perspective of contributing to capacity development and poverty reduction in their home countries.
The candidate must hold a completed and recognised Master’s degree from a university and proof professional working experience of at least 2 years.
The minimal English standard is TOEFL level C1.
The scholarship is open to candidates from countries classified as Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries and Lower Middle Income Countries according to the DAC-list of the OECD.
Candidates need to be accepted by the School for Continuing Education, ETH Zurich as well as the MAS, DAS or CAS programme office.
All programmes of the ETH Zurich continuing education programmes (MAS/CAS/DAS) are eligible for the scholarship. Check the webpage of the “School for Continuing Education” to get an overview of the different programmes.
Application Deadline: 30 November 2019. Please submit your application documentation in one single pdf-file to e4d@sl.ethz.ch.
Contact and Information
For more information visit https://eth4d.ethz.ch/funding-opportunities/E4D-Scholarships/e4d-continuing-education-scholarship.html or contact e4d@sl.ethz.ch.