Jacob Iteba from Kenya is 30 years old and lives in Eldoret. He currently completing his PhD student in Aquatic Sciences at the University of Eldoret and holds a Master’s degree from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Eldoret. He also works as a Fisheries Officer for the Directorate of Fisheries at the County Government of Busia, Kenya.
Please tell us a bit about yourself!
My research interests lie primarily in aquatic ecology, fisheries, water quality and biomonitoring, land use influences on nutrients and carbon dynamics in aquatic ecosystems and watershed management. When I am not busy with my work or studies, I enjoy going for a swim.
In 10 years’ time, I hope to have completed my doctoral and post-doctoral studies, be a skilled expert in my profession and provide consultancy services in my area of expertise.
Which scholarships or fellowships have you received?
I am currently in receipt of a German Research Foundation (DFG) Scholarship for my PhD studies at the University of Eldoret, Kenya and the University of Giessen, Germany.
In 2017 I received the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) Scholarship in Limnology and Wetland Management which for a Joint Masters Degree at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Austria, Egerton University, Kenya, and Institute for Water Education (IHE), Delft, Netherlands.
How did you experience the Africademics Scholarship Ambassador Programme?
I joined the Scholarship Ambassador Programme because I wanted to gain insights on the various aspects of scholarship search and application procedures so that I could help other scholarship seekers.
One of the highlights of the programme were the insights on Positive Psychology as an added value and resource to guide others in the process of scholarship search and application.
The scholarship mentoring period has been interesting and also a learning process for both me and my mentee. My mentee has always been cooperative and ready to learn and it has been a good interactive period with her. She has currently applied for one Masters degree scholarship and is waiting for the feedback.
Why would you recommend the Scholarship Ambassador Programme to others?
The programme provides a great platform to learn diverse insights regarding the process of scholarship search and application guidelines. It’s also a good networking avenue where you can connect with experts from different fields!
How can Africademics community members get in touch with you?
You are welcome to contact me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X and LinkedIn, or via the Africademics online learning platform.