Gaspard Nkunzimana from Burundi is 26 years old and lives in Bujumbura. He holds a Master’s degree in Mathematical Sciences from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Ghana.
Please tell us a bit about yourself!
I am an optimistic, courageous and perseverant person. In my free time I enjoy watching football, sports and reading books. I aspire to become a PhD degree holder, a professional Data Scientist, and the CEO of my own company.
Which scholarships or fellowships have you received?
I received the MasterCard Foundation Scholarship in 2022.
How did you experience the Africademics Scholarship Ambassador Programme?
My motivation to join the Scholarship Ambassador Programme was to gather the knowledge and try to use it for helping others. It was a pleasure to work with my mentees during the 3-month mentoring period because I gained skills in leadership, as well as organizational skills. I have grown both personally and professionally because of the skills that I gained during the programme.
Why would you recommend the Scholarship Ambassador Programme to others?
It is a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow!
How can Africademics community members get in touch with you?
You are welcome to contact me on Facebook, LinkedIn or via the Africademics online learning platform.