Joyce Nakabugo from Uganda is 23 years old and lives in Kampala. She recently graduated from YMCA Comprehensive Institute and now holds a Certificate in Fashion Design.
Please tell us a bit about yourself!
I am a hard working, self driven individual of integrity. I am passionate about my work, I love passing my skills on to others and discovering new ways of doing things, that is to say being innovative. In my free time I enjoy socializing, reading and going on adventures. My biggest academic goal is to obtain a PhD.
How did you experience the Africademics Scholarship Ambassador Programme?
My aim has always been to help, mentor and guide students on how to achieve their dream scholarship. It has been a great experience to work with my two mentees, both of whom have been very cooperative and have made progress with their scholarship applications.
Why would you recommend the Scholarship Ambassador Programme to others?
The programme helps one to better understand the different types of scholarships that are available, as well as everything around the application process.
How can Africademics community members get in touch with you?
You are welcome to contact me via the Africademics online learning platform.